To Your Eternity (English dub)


The Orb, known only as It, is being thrown into Earth to be seen from afar. It is able to transform forms from creatures that capture its appearance, first becoming a rock and then, due to the scorching heat, moss. It does not move until one snowy day, and the wolf at the door of death falls barely. When It takes on the form of an animal, It gains awareness of its understanding and begins to wander with a vague idea of ​​its destination. Soon, He meets the wolf king - a little boy waiting for his people to return to a paradise full of fish and fruit in the south. Although the boy is lonely, he hopes that those dear ones in his memory will never forget him and that he will meet them one day. The boy wants to explore a new area and decides to leave his home with her in order to find paradise using his tribe's trail left behind. However, with a badly bruised and blind body in the eyes of his older partners, will he be a boy? Fumetsu and Anata e (To Your Eternity) show the story of an immortal person who meets humanity, meeting all kinds of people in many places all the time.

 To Your Eternity (English dub)👇

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About- To Your Eternity :

The otherworldly named Seeer creates a flawless white orb, later called Fushi. Fushi takes the form of a rock, and then a dying arctic wolf. Fushi meets a lonely boy who makes a mistake with his wolf, Joaan. After the boy died of an infected wound, Fushi took over. He travels south to Ninannah, and meets March, who was chosen as a sacrifice to the great white bear named Oniguma. March calls Fushi and teaches him the first ways of speaking, and how to use his hands. Fushi defeats Oniguma, who, along with March, Parona (an elderly sister until March), and Pioran, an elderly man, are captured by Hayase, in the land of Yanome. They flee, but March is killed, sacrificing himself to save Parona and become a ghost. Fushi breaks up with Parona and leaves Ninannah to run away from the infamous Hayase.

Accompanied by Pioran, Fushi learns another language and begins to speak as a child. On their way to Pioran's hometown of Takunaha, they were attacked by a plant-like creature that could steal Fushi's forms and memories, the Nokker. Snower appears to Fushi to warn him, and Fushi kills him, bringing back his memories. In Takunaha, Fushi meets Gugu, who was paralyzed in an accident after rescuing Rean. Gugu saves Fushi from another Nokker, while Fushi, Gugu and Rean become friends. For four years, Fushi stops changing or creating things to live as a human being. Nokker attacks, and Gugu is killed, becoming a ghost. Fushi leaves Takunaha, the paranoid of Nokker's attack, followed by Pioran.

Hayase pays Tonari to lure Fushi and Pioran on a prison ship bound for Jananda Island, where Pioran is imprisoned. Fushi enters an island championship, to free Pioran. In the final round, Fushi faces no other enemy than his archenemy Hayase, who confesses to killing Parona. This infuriates Fushi, but he is defeated by her, who grabs her and tries to rape her. Tonari, Mia, Oopa and everyone else will try to save their immortal friend. Many Nokkers attacked the island with human remains, and three of Tonari's friends were killed. Fushi kills the Nokker and leaves the island with Hayase, leaving him at sea, where he is attacked by Nokker. Fushi meets Pioran and goes to an uninhabited island, but he suffers from dementia. Before his death, he asks Snower to do something useful for Fushi when his spirit is reborn in someone else's body.

The middle-aged Fushi lived on the island for forty years, until the Nokker began to attack people on the island. As he prepares to leave, he encounters Hamasame, a granddaughter of Hayase, and his seemingly rebirth. His left arm contains an invading Nokker joined by Hayase who agrees. The two traveled to the area where Nokker was attacked, where they met elderly Tonari and Sandel. Hisame tries to kill Tonari, and injures himself, but he escapes. Tonari dies in front of Fushi, and becomes a ghost. Fushi saves Hisame and stops killing Nokker in his arm after agreeing to leave him. For the next two centuries, Fushi avoids many human contact, and is frequently visited by repeaters born to Hayase and later. They formed a religious sect called the Guardians, worshiped Fushi and opposed the Nokkers. After rival religions began to criticize Fushi, Kahaku removed Fushi from his loneliness to improve his image.

The two were taken by Bon, who had been instructed by Tonari's ghost to find Fushi. Bon allows Fushi and the Guards to be the boss, to be the victim of those who oppose Fushi. Bon of Fushi raises a dead princess, but hides the truth from Fushi. Fushi is bound by another empire and forced to symbolize the resurrection, but he fails. Both Bon and Fushi were arrested, and Fushi was handcuffed. Fushi escapes and saves Bon, causing him to die. The Nokkans under Kahaku's warnings warned that the Nokkans would attack the capital city, Renril, in one year. Bon and Kahaku gather their allies and warn the city, while Fushi develops his ability to do things with nothing.

Disguising himself as an old man, Fushi demolishes and rebuild buildings in Renril as extensions of his body, and lays corpses to which he can flee throughout the city. Hundreds of Nokker attack the city using new tactics, and during the war March is awakened by accident. Fushi goes through a difficult defense of the city, and three allies of Bon are killed. When Fushi wakes up, Bon tells him they are special and can come back to life. Fushi uses them to defend the city, waking them up where needed. As the battle progresses, Kakaku's Nokker attacks Fushi, returning him to his true state as an Orb. March finds Bon, who commits suicide by Fushi, giving him his form. Being able to see the spirits of his friends in Bon's condition, Fushi remembers them and brings them back to life, and the battle is won as Fushi regains his strength. Kahaku leaves town with his Nokker, and later kills himself and his Nokker.

Fushi tells her friends that she will make the world a better place, and wake them up when she does. He sleeps and spreads his body around the world, preventing Nokker from returning. Fushi's friends live their lives and they all die while Fushi is asleep. After 600 years, Fushi's body covers the entire planet, now in a state of modern technological development. During his sleep, the Nokkers became remarkably small, and began to live secretly inside and in control of people. Another rebirth of Hayase, and Nokker of Kahaku reside in the brain of Mizuha, the eighteenth rebirth of Hayase, while this Nokker leads others in preparation for Fushi's return. After waking up, Fushi awakens the eleven spirits following him, including his closest friends in March, Gugu, Tonari and Bon. Snower decides to transform himself into a twelve-year-old boy, calling himself Saturn, and eventually abandoning his creation. Fushi meets a boy named Yuki, and Mizuha, who is his girlfriend, is upset with his mother. Mizuha kills his mother, but returns to life without Fushi's involvement, warning him of Nokker's return. As he learns that the Nokker family is now living peacefully among humanity, Fushi is confused about what to do, as he is unable to defeat them, worried about resurrecting his best friends under false promises.

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